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Kuhner: “Republicans must wage an all-out assault on Mr. Obama’s presidency”

January 07, 2011 6:30 am ET by Media Matters staff

In a January 6 Washington Times op-ed, Jeffrey Kuhner wrote “Republicans must wage an all-out assault on Mr. Obama’s presidency. They must pursue a scorched-earth strategy.” He further stated that “[t]he duty of a loyal opposition is to oppose the governing party. It is not to help that party pass legislation or improve the economy’s performance.”

From Kuhner’s op-ed:

The duty of a loyal opposition is to oppose the governing party. It is not to help that party pass legislation or improve the economy’s performance. The economic boom of the 1990s – sparked by the pro-growth, fiscal-restraint policies of the Gingrich Republicans – resulted in the re-election of Mr. Clinton rather than the election of a Republican president. The goal of the GOP is not to help the president but to obstruct Mr. Obama and remove him from office.Mr. Obama’s primary aim is defensive: to preserve the entitlement state he has erected. He understands that like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid before it, Obamacare over time will be woven into the social fabric. The longer it stays, the more it will grow roots in American society. And soon it will be impossible to extirpate. He will have consolidated welfare liberalism.This is why Republicans must wage an all-out assault on Mr. Obama’s presidency. They must pursue a scorched-earth strategy.
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