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Florida Lawmakers Reject ‘Stand Your Ground’ Special Session

08/20/13 05:47 PM ET EDT

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — An overwhelming number of Florida legislators have rejected a call for a special session to repeal the state’s “stand your ground law.”

The Department of State on Tuesday released a final tally. It showed 108 legislators voted against the special session while 47 voted for it. Four legislators didn’t vote.

The vote was triggered by a written request by 33 legislators for the special session. They were urged to do so by protesters upset with the July verdict in the George Zimmerman case.

A “yes” vote by three-fifths of the Republican-majority Legislature would have resulted in a special session.

The vote was split largely along partisan lines. Seven Democrats joined with Republicans in voting no.

Protesters who pushed for the poll ended their protest at the Florida Capitol last week.

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