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Hymn To Night


From The Rig Veda (c 1500 – 1200 BC)

So vast, our Goddess Night, she rises,

star-eyes gazing everywhere;

all her finery of dress displayed.

Space high and low she fills, Eternal Night,

her beauty driving out the dark.

Close on the heels of sister Day

she treads.  Let darkness run….

As you draw near, we turn for home

like birds that wing to nest.

Life everywhere retreats, beast

and bird. Even the soaring hawk

returns to seek out rest.

Night, sheild us from the wolf and thief.

Throughout your hours let there be calm.

Pitch dark has brought a shroud for me.

Dawn, drive it, like my debts, away.

Child of Day, to you, as to a calf,

my hymn is offered. Receive it now

as paean to a conqueror.

Edwin Gerow and Peter Dent



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